Meet The Neighbours

Created by Nigel 7 years ago

Morning Jayboy

Another story from Balcombe Road. Happy days lots of fun but also a bit scary at times!

Again Sarah and I said we would come over and "help" you get sorted.

This time it was an outdoor day. We decided to have a good garden tidy up and collected a fair bit of general rubbish, weeds old bits of wood from the workshop etc.
The rubbish lent itself well to being burnt, so it was decided that a bonfire be built.
The bonfire was built and lit and we stood back to watch the flames.You decided it wasn't burning fast or furiously enough so you went looking for something to help it on its way. You came back with some white spirit and started throwing it on to the fire, it certainly did the trick.
After a while with the flames roaring and spreading we suddenly thought, crikey the flames are getting very close to the neighbours shed, in fact the side had started to blister with the heat. Helped by the fact that he had very recently given it a fresh coat of creosote! whoops!
Then I heard the sound of a tin can contracting and suggested he may keep petrol in there for his motor mower. Well this caused a panic, you ran off to find some water to dampen the fire passing a full water butt on the way, going indoors to fill a bottle, most of which you spilt on the way back to the fire.Then the water butt was noticed.
We managed to calm the fire down quite a bit but unfortunately as a consequence of this there was a lot of smell and clouds of quite thick smoke.
Because of the amount of noise we had made and the smell and smoke the neighbour the other side came out to see what was going on, unfortunately she also had her washing out that by now had got covered in smoke, dust etc. Owing to the fact that we had woken her and she was very pregnant, she made it quite clear she was not impressed and glared at Michelle (Michelle had also come out to see what all the fuss was about) Michelle was very embarrassed and went off shopping!!
The other neighbour would luckily never know how close his shed (and maybe more!) came close to being destroyed as the damaged side of his shed was up against your fence and not very visible.

Just as things were returning to normal Fiona turned up on a horse! The horse was called Thomas she was out for a ride and thought it would be nice to come and see her brother.
Thomas then started to eat several of the plants and shrubs at the front of your house.! Lots of laughter as you can imagine, mostly from Fiona.

Quite a good day to make the neighbours aware what they may be up against!

Well living next to an Allaway..........

Love Always Jayboy

"Pops" xx